
…to the travel guide made by the ITG20-class from the vocational school in Bad Oldesloe. It will show you some of the favorite places of the students from Poznań and the students from around Bad Oldesloe. With the following two buttons you can choose between a guide for Poznań and the surroundings of Bad Oldesloe.

The travel guide was made for the german-polish youth prize with the slogan “show me your favorite place”. In the first quarter of 2022, students from Germany visited Poznań to know more about their city. The polish students showed them around a bit, and they visited many interesting places, that were integrated into the travel guide. Later the same year, the polish students came to Germany, to fill the travel guide with some cool places from around Bad Oldesloe as well. During the project, students from different cultural aspects came together, got into conversations and even built up some friendships.